Once a packet is established, it can be posted to many different parts of the website. You can link to a packet from any page, article, announcement, or calendar event, or the home page. You can also link to a packet from an email. Follow the steps below to learn how to link/post a packet to other parts of the website or an email so your users can access it.
1 | Choose icon, text or line from the drop down menu items. Icon: uses one of the icons provided by OSP or one of your choice, see #2 below. Text: Written name of the packet on the menu. Line: displays a line on the menu as a divider and would not be used when posting a link on the menu. |
2 | If you have chosen "icon" from the drop down menu mentioned in #1 (above) then select an image from the default menu or upload something new. Need directions on how to upload a new icon? Click here. |
3 | Type the name of the event/program that you would like users to see on the menu. |
4 | Paste the address from the packet page in the box. |
Note: #4 does not show here, however, the fact that the packet is now showing on the menu bar indicates that it was linked correctly.
These same general steps apply for linking within the website. Once you have "captured" the packet's address, you can use it to link to other parts of the website.
When including links to a packet for anything that will go outside of the Our School Pages website, it is necessary to fully qualify the URL by prepending the domain name of your site. For example, in the case of the packet above, a full domain name might be: