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Use Chrome extension to upload

1. Install the Chrome/Edge Browser extension.

The OSP browser extension is available at OSP Chrome Extension Store Url

Note that Edge browser also support install chrome extensions.

After installation you should be able to see OSP extension in Extensions list. You can choose to always show OSP extension on browser menu bar by click the "pin" button in Chrome or the "Eye" button on Edge. 

Click the OSP extension and you will see the popup windows.

2. Important note about the Chrome/Edge Browser extension.

The OSP browser extension is using "ActiveTAB" permission, means it will only get access the page after you click the extension. So please always go to the destination page first, and then click OSP browser extension to show the popup. It is ok to close the popup when moving between steps, the loaded data will be saved locally.

If some changes are made either on your PTA website or memberplanet sites, please remember to re-load the memberlist. Those won't automatically refresh.

3. Load OSP members

First go to your PTA website, make sure you signed in with either admin or membership role users. Then click the OSP extension to open the popup, click the "Load  OSP Members" button. The OSP member list should be loaded. If you don't use OSP website, you can choose to upload a csv file by check the "UseCsv" checkbox.

4. Load MemberPlanet members

Please go to the MemberPlanet v2 member list page. You can go there by click the "Members" menu or the "Member databases" menu. And the second picture below shows what V2 page looks like.

Once you are at the V2 memberlist page, open OSP extension popup and click "Load MP Members" button.


5. Upload OSP members to MemberPlanet

After both OSP member list and Memberplanet member list are loaded. Go back to main Memberplanet website and login if needed. Select the members you want to upload and click the "Sync Members" button. You can first select only a few users, set the delay second to either 2 or 3 and click "Sync Members" button, OSP extension will add delay between each operation and so you can see what's going on more clearly.

6. Final step

When upload to MemberPlanet finished. Remember to follow "Load MemberPlanet members" step again to refresh memberplanet member list to ensure everything is uploaded, or if something fails, you can refresh memberlist and try again.

After everything is done, you can go back to OSP PTA website, login in if needed, and select rows you want to update MPIDs and  click the "Update OSP MPIDs" button to save new/updated MPID back to OSP. Note OSP use email first and then fallback to MPID to match users so this can help the next matching process.