Add PayPal as a payment option
Our School Pages gives you the ability to accept payment from your users in two different ways: by writing a check, or by paying online through PayPal. PayPal is a popular online payment gateway that supports credit card payments, eCheck payments, or direct PayPal-to-PayPal transfers. In order to accept online payments through PayPal, you will need to first create a PayPal account if you haven't already. It is free to create a PayPal account, but there are fees associated with each transaction. Once you have a PayPal account, you can configure your Our School Pages website to accept online payments as follows:
- Go to the Admin side of your website.
- On the menu bar, under Packets, choose Online Payment. Then choose the PayPal option you want for your site and complete the needed information.

- Click Save.
- Go to Packets
- Select the packet for which you would like to enable PayPal payments. All the packets have an Edit button on the far right hand side. If you want to add PayPal to the packet titled “Join/First Day Packet”, you will click the Edit button next to that packet.

- Press the Edit button next to Payment packet page.

- At the top of that page you will see a small box titled Allow Online Payment.

- Put a check in that box.
- SAVE changes.
- This can be done for each of the packets for which you want to allow PayPal payments.