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Customize the menu

The menu system on your Our School Pages website is completely customizable.  You can add as many menu items as you like, with or without icons, with or without submenus.  Each menu item can link to an internal page on your website or an external page on a different website. 

To customize your menu, sign in as the Admin, and click on Menu system.  What you see is a complete listing of every menu item.  This includes top level menu items which are shown in dark blue, as well as sub menu items which are shown in light blue.  From this page, you can add, remove, or re-order the menu items to make your menu look the way you want.

There are three different types of menu items available, and you can choose the one you want from the Menu type dropdown in the left column.

Icon An icon menu item displays a graphical icon as well as some optional text beneath it.  This type of menu item is only available in top level menu items, so you cannot put an icon on a sub menu.  You can choose any of the icons from the dropdown box.  If the icon you're looking for is not there, then you can upload your own custom icon.
Text A text menu item shows only a text phrase that describes the page where your visitors will end up.
Line A line menu item is not intended to be clicked by your visitors, and therefore it doesn't have a Target address.  It simply serves as a visual separator between groups of correlated menu items.