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Addresses of pages on your site

The following table lists all of the different kinds of pages on your Our School Pages website, and their associated addresses.  You can use these addresses to link to these pages:

/Account Page that shows a user his/her own personal and family information, along with past orders and volunteer sign ups.
/Account/LogOn Sign in page where users enter their email and password to sign in to your site.
/Account/LogOff Sign out page where users go to sign out of your site.
/Account/ForgotPassword Page where users go when they've forgotten their password and need to reset it.
/Article Shows a list of all current and past articles.
/Article/View/title Displays one article in its entirety, as specified by the original title of the article.
/ContactUs Page that allows users to fill out a form to send you a comment or question.
/Doc/folder/title Opens the specific document in your Document library.
/Docs/folder Shows a page that lists links to all of the documents from a specified folder in your Document library.  The folder part of the address is optional.  If omitted, the page will display all documents in all folders.
/Event Monthly calendar of events.
/Home Home page for your site.
/Image/folder/title Displays an image from your Image library.
/Packet/packetname Displays the specified packet.
/Page/folder/title Displays the specified custom page.
/Program Shows all of your programs under the appropriate category headings.