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Link Report

The "Content -> Download Link Report" will download a csv file contains pages/menu etc items and what links are in those.  The report is refreshed nightly and intended to help Admins to understand if certain pages/images/docs are no longer being referenced. Please just use it as reference as link parsing is complex and could have issues which cause missing links/inaccurate results. For example, background images is not included in the report.

When viewing in excel, make sure the "Wrap Text" option is selected for column "ViewUrl", "ContainLinks" and "IncomingLinks" column. As those may contain > 1 rows.

The links are parsed from description and custom html fields from "Menu", "Article", "ContactUs", "Custom Pages", "PackagePage", "Product", "Program", "ReadingLog", "Event", "HomePage". 

The first non-header row will say when this report is generated, (UTC timezone)

There are columns in the csv file:

  • The "ItemType" column is about type of the item. Hope the value is clear by itself.
  • The "ViewUrl" is where the actual page is for a normal user viewing it. Note for menu item, the PageUrl column mean root menu Programs sub menu Missoula, it is not an actual Url. For Product/VolunteerPosition etc it can be the packet page which contain those product/volunteerpositions
  • The "EditUrl" is the link Admin can use to edit that item. You can also find ImageIds etc here for batch delete use. Say the EditUrl is /ImageManager/Edit/14156?GoBackUrl then the ImageId is 14156.
  • The "ContainLinks" is normalized links contained in current item and which column we find those links. since PTA site could be using custom domain,  so only the Path portion in URL is kept there.
  • The "RootLevel". Admins can use this values to filter to see what items are likely out dated and can be removed.
    • Value 1 means it is the one of the toplevel pages, or those linked from any other top level pages. For now SiteItemType.Menu, SiteItemType.Article, SiteItemType.HomePage, SiteItemType.CalendarEvent, SiteItemType.Program, SiteItemType.ReadingLog, SiteItemType.VolunteerPosition, SiteItemType.ContactUs are considered toplevel pages.
    • Value 2 means it is not linked directly from topelvel page, but is linked from some items like SiteItemType.Packet, SiteItemType.PacketPage, SiteItemType.CustomPage.
    • Value 0 means it is not linked
  • The "IncomingLinks" is other pages in OSP site which has links pointing to this page. This can be another good condition to check if the item is orphaned.

Also please note due to url escape issue, some page url maybe be different from what in report. For example, one page with URL /Page/Outreach/PTA Outreach could become /Page/Outreach/PTA%20Outreach