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Make documents available to visitors

Once you have uploaded your documents, there are several ways to make the documents available to your visitors.

Making a single document available

  • To make a single document available, you first need to know the Address of the document.  This can by found by visiting your Document library, and hovering over the icon in the Address column.

  • Once you have the address, you can add a link to the document from any announcement, article, event, or custom page.  You can also put a link to the document directly on the menu bar.  The specific instructions for adding a link into these entities are different for each one and are covered in separate help topics.
  • If you need to link to the document from an external website or an email, you will need to prefix the document's address with your website domain.  For example, 2011 Volunteer Request Form.doc

Making an entire document folder available

If you have uploaded several documents to a folder, you can create a page on your website containing links to all of the documents in that folder.  Of course, you can do this manually by creating a custom page, and then inserting links to each document individually.  But there is an easier way to accomplish this.  The website address /Docs/FolderName will lead your users directly to a built-in page that shows all of the documents in that folder.  For example, to display all of the documents in the Ptsa folder, we simply need to add a link (somewhere ... in an announcement, article, the menu bar, etc.) to this address:


When the user clicks on that link, he/she will end up on a page that automatically lists all the documents in that folder, with links to those documents.

The formatting of this page cannot be changed.  If you would like to customize the appearance of this page, you will need to create your own custom page, and individually include links to the documents.


Making all document folders available

If you would like to make all documents from all folders available to your visitors, you can simply create a link with the address /Docs.  When the user clicks on that link, he/she will end up on a page that automatically lists all the documents in all of your folders.


The formatting of this page cannot be changed.  If you would like to customize the appearance of this page, you will need to create your own custom page, and individually include links to the documents.